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Presents the ultimate solution with the only inexpensive web hosting company in Bangladesh.
It is dependable, gives assistance to, and after-sales service outruns its competitor.
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Hostingta (GTA) is the powerhouse as it provides everything in one place. From web hosting & server to Web design, Software implication and Digital Marketing service to the core in Bangladesh
Choosing a hosting company is the biggest challenge in Bangladesh!
Hostingta consists of dedicated and purposeful team members assisting reliability on our support service. Collectively our team provides the best solution and is active in response to many clients’ growth in their online business.
We offer a variety of plans in accordance to the customer which leads to spark the presence of online. Developing websites along with high specs servers turns performance. Traffic attainment improves with active digital marketing which leads to conversion.
Our dynamic web design service creates a Brand of itself that can go live within 7 days.
Hey! Check out our software inventory equipped with standby and it’s all set. Our keen and energised team will tailor your need into account in –favor-of your business automation software.
Along with us, your business will find domicile!